Tuesday, May 8, 2012

  9 weeks!!!

Ok... so just reached 9 weeks today. I took this pic just last nite. For some reason my little "blump" always gets bigger at night. Jay says I'm pushing my stomach out, but I swear to you I'm not. Anyway, I wonder why that is???

I texted my mom this picture earlier today showing her my new bump... and long story short  ( and may I mention that AGAIN she wasn't wearing her glasses) she texted me back and said that she didnt see that I had a stomach at all. Come to find out just now she thought all along my "bump" was my butt. Really? I told her from now on she really needs to wear her glasses PERMANENTLY!!!! WTH? 

ON ANOTHER NOTE... I am really thankful that my friend Crystal has been so generous to give me ALL her maternity clothes. I think so far I've gotten a total of 5 garbage bags! LOL! They will certainly come in handy. No sense in buying all new things when we can just share!  I'll be a busy girl the next few weekends cleaning out my closet to get rid of the old and make room for the new. I just wish I had more energy. 

I had yet another doctors appointment yesterday with my "NEW" OBGYN that will be delivering the baby.  Overall it was a pretty boring appointment since I had already had my first ultrasound at my old doctors office... but we will be having another ultrasound on the 15th (next week) with bloodwork to test for the first part of the downs syndrome screening. Then I will go again on the 30th for the second part of the bloodwork / screening.  Excited to see little bean again. Apparently my friends that have recently had babies have told me that for the first time the baby will really look like a tiny little baby with arms and legs, etc.. And it may even be moving and doing flips and things. So COOL! 

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