Monday, April 23, 2012

1st Post! Surprise! We're expecting!

Ok. ok. So I'm trying my BEST to get the hang of this blogger thing. So far it's been nothing but complete frustration. Since my friend Ali has done such a good job with her baby blog she's inspired me to want to do the same thing.. however, I realize that I'm computer RETARDED! With my raging pregnancy hormones, I'd like to take this computer and throw it right damn across the room but somehow I've managed to muster up my sanity and instead thought it would be in my best interest to take a break and come back to it.  Slowly but surely I'm figuring some of these things out.

On another note.. I am in my 6th week of pregnancy with little bean!!!  6 weeks and 6 days to be exact. On Wednesday, Jay and I have our first ultra sound and are really looking forward to it... but I do have to admit that I am a little scared / nervous! I guess that's to be expected.  I think I will be SO relieved when we hear that heart beat. That will solidfy things and make things "more real" - for a lack of a better word... I think. I often wake up and have to ask myself.. ."Is this real life.. and are we REALLY pregnant?" lol.

I have not been feeling well. Usually it's starts off first thing in the morning. Even before I get out of bed. This nausea thing is killing me and I hope it doesn't last all throughout my pregnancy.  I haven't actually gotten sick yet.. Just nauseuos.  Then it hits again after I eat lunch at work. ....and again sometime in the evening. I just started to have cravings.. It wasn't till yesterday actually but I think I ate the weirdest things. I craved pickles, licorice, and bagel with cream cheese. Oh.. also salsa and chips, pineapple, turkey bacon... and seltzer water. I ate every single one of those things throughout the course of the day... never having a complete meal. Just grazing on this strange menu. Jay thinks my latest food choices are so gross... Poor guy hasn't had a decent meal in about 2 weeks now, as the smell of any sort of meat cooking makes me want to hurl. I just can't do it. So I eat what I want and he... well, fends for himself. Oh and I have I mentioned that I've made a permanent dent in the couch.  NO ENERGY AT ALL! I come home from work and have no motivation to do anything but sit my butt on the couch. I hope this passes soon!!! I don't even care to go SHOPPING! Now that's bad!

I'm really looking forward to Thursday.  I will be making a quick trip home to spend some time with my family, but most importatnly to help my mom out through some of her surgeries she's been thru lately. She will be having another one on wednesday.. (the day before I head home). On a brighter note, I will also be sharing the news that WE ARE PREGNANT!!!! So, I'm hoping our news will lift my moms spirits and get her motivated and on the fast track to recovery.  It's been so hard to keep this secret from my mom.  I've been hiding it for nearly 4 weeks now. Just for the record.. this been the best secret I've ever kept. ( I'm not typically good with keeping surprises!)

Anyway, I'm pooped. Here's my 6 week photo!

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